The bed is calling my name

After working from 10pm to 6am I think it is time for me to go to bed now since iam working today. Same time as yesterday/today. Iam soo that i can barely open my eyes right now, haha. See you guys again later when i wake up. Btw: Good morning!
Quote of the day

My New Hair Style!

Sources: Karlas Closet
This is how my hair is going to look like starting from next week.
P.s check out Karlas Closet! You won´t regret it.
Quote of the day

I need a girl - TaeYang
Goodnight guys!
I just came from work. Since Iam not sleepy right now I am thinking of watching 2 or 3 episodes of "My wife and Kids and then sleep. I´ll see you guys later.

Dagens Snygging

Fighting oppa!

No other -Super Junior <3
I can´t stop smiling right now. I have this permanent smile on my face every time I listen to this song! I mean, wooow. Suju always know how to brighten up my day with their amazing songs, beautiful smiles and their cute choreographies! Fighting Oppas!!
p.s Did i mension how incredibely handsome Siwon is on this video. Grrrr!
Here is the lyrics of this song in english for those (like me) who don´t understand Korean
There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that
Where else to look for? A person good like you, a person good like you, a heart good like you, a gift good like you
How lucky, the person who will try hard to protect you is just me
Where else to look for? A guy happy like me, a guy happy like me, a guy who laughs with the greatest happiness like me
Your two warm hands get cold when I’m cold, your heart which used to be strong gets sensitive when I’m hurt
To silently take my hands, to silently hold me, I only wish for those small comforts
You don’t know this heart of mine, which always wants to do more for you
My heart, say it out loud, my free soul
The days left are even more than the time when I came love you with a heart which always felt like the first time
*There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that
Where else to look for? A person good like you, a person good like you, a heart good like you, a gift good like you
How lucky, the person who will try hard to protect you is just me
Where else to look for? A guy happy like me, a guy happy like me, a guy who laughs with the greatest happiness like me
When my greedy heart gradually looks to other directions, when my greeds grow more than my mind can handle
To understand, to tell me clearly after all those excuses “I’m here”, only that one thing
I’m always thankful. Will I ever act that well just like you
My heart, say it out loud, my free soul
The days left are even more than the time when I came love you with a heart which always felt like the first time
*There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that
Where else to look for? A person good like you, a person good like you, a heart good like you, a gift good like you
How lucky, the person who will try hard to protect you is just me
Where else to look for? A guy happy like me, a guy happy like me, a guy who laughs with the greatest happiness like me
Rap> You know what, little much little even though I’m shy, you don’t know it but you’re burning like the sun, please understand my heart
Even though those girls appearing on TV shows are sparkling, I always look at you (I’m crazy crazy Baby)
Hearing you tell me “I love you”, I have everything in this world You & I, You’re so fine, Is there even anyone like you?
I love you Oh, please know it, that to me there’s only you, that I foolishly see you as my everything
We came on the same road, we are just like each other, how surprising, how thankful, it’s just love
*There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that
Where else to look for? A person good like you, a person good like you, a heart good like you, a gift good like you
How lucky, the person who will try hard to protect you is just me
Where else to look for? A guy happy like me, a guy happy like me, a guy who laughs with the greatest happiness like me
There’s no one like you
Hangul lyrics thanks to
English translation by LittleAriel13 WordPress
Good morning my fellow citizens! ;)

Jag har nyss kommit hem från jobbet . Idag jobbade jag för 8 timmar streck! från kl 10 på natten till 6 på morgonen ....igen .. utan att ens sitta i en sekund!!!! :/ Nu är mina fötter svulna som fan och kan knappt stå for en minute, haha. Where is my hunny bunny when so he can give me a foot massage ;) Nu tänker jag lägga upp några bilder från idag.
Tell me Goodbye - Big Bang
I fell in love with this song the second I heard it so much~~ GO BIG BANG!!!
Work day 2
Yesterday i worked from from 7 at night to 4. 30 in the morning and got home around 8 in the morning!! and the best part was that i was supposed to be at the bus station already at 2 heading bacl to work ...again. You can only imagine on what a day i have had today. Iam soo tired that i can barely do anything, haha. I am so glad that i ain´t working tomorrow! :D Now I am going to upload some pics that i took today. Hola!
Quote of the day

Turn it up - T.O.P (Big Bang )
I like the way they made the music video black and white. Something different for a change and not as colourful as all the other kpop music videos that i have watched so far (not like i have anything against them. I like colourful music video. I ust think that this concept suits T.O.P better! don´t you guys agree?) Of all kpop male artist, T.O.P is possibly the only kpop male artist that can keep his shirt on and still look amazingly HOT! ;)
Bad day

Jag är helt slut i kroppen!!! Igår jobbade jag för 8 timmar sträck och när jag kom hem efter jobbet, jag kom på att jag hade inte mina hem nycklarna med mig så jag blev tvungen att sitta utanför min lägenhet från kl 1 på morgonen till kl 3.30 på morgonen!! Det var så j*vligt jobbigt att står där ute eftersom det var såå kallt och lite läsktigt också faktiskt eftersom jag var den enda ute då. Men som tur the postman öppnade dörren åt mig. Tack vare honom jag kunde sova i min skön säng i natt =)

Time to go and make that paper

I am running out of time now. I should be taking a shower now but look what iam doing, haha :D Today I am working from 4 to 12 at night. I really dont want to work today, but what to do :/ Now i really gotta go.
See you guys later :D
Bilder ifrån P&L (torsdag)

Först tittade vi på Vampire Weekend. De har bra musik, men de hade inte dendär energin som jag trodde de skulle ha. :( Dessutom var det en konstig kille med nackhår framför mig som vinglade och armbågade mig hela tiden. Jag gick ducka och böja mig för att inte bli skadad! Stackars den som stod bakom mig - det måste ha blivit lite som en dominoeffekt!

The Kooks, däremot hade den energin som behövdes för att jag skulle hoppa! Luke Pritchard är HEEEET!
Efter The Kooks var det ett band som heter Them Crooked Vultures. Jag, min kompis och hennes lillasyster satt och tittade på dem på avstånd för att det inte var någon musik som vi lyssnar på. Min kompis storasyster däremot gick in på deras spelning - och vilka möter hon där om inte The Kooks! Hon fick en puss av Luke på kinden + bildbevis på det! Sååå avundsjuk!
Sedan var det Robyn, inte heller någon som jag lyssnar på, men hon var riktigt cool! Det var en såndär härlig Gwen Stefani-coolhet.
När vi satt och väntade på Kent gick Soran Ismail (i Parlamentet) förbi oss. (Intressant notis)
Jag såg bara 20 minuter av Kent - deras spelning var så sent.
There is always a little ...


Today i have been home alone doing all kind of works that the house wives do. Since there isn´t much to do here in this neighbourhood I have been indoors watching all kind of movies, cleaning the house, cooking and going to the groceries. What have you guys been upto today?
Bilder ifrån P&L (onsdag)

Först såg vi på Carl Norén. "Va snygg du är!" skrek ett fan. "Jag har varit i Grekland..." svarade Calle.
Efter Calle blev det en lång paus innan nästa spelning vi skulle se, så jag och Anna gick hem till min bror en stund.

Sedan blev det Julian Casablancas. Anna är nog kär i honom...

Sedan blev det Mika som jag hade sett fram emot. Han var helt klart bäst! Roligt att han kunde så mycket svenska!